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세계옥외광고협회 한국 공식 사이트ㅣ글로벌 옥외광고 뉴스레터 옥뉴스

Chanel TR shines at Incheon International Airport.

- 1분 걸림

Chanel Travel Retail has chosen Seoul Incheon International Airport, the largest international airports in South Korea, to enhance its luxurious image.

Korea Economic Daily

It is expected that Chanel's advertisements will be seen at terminal 1 and terminal 2 of the airport. This move is part of the brand's forward-looking marketing strategy and is expected to contribute to increasing brand awareness in the Korean market.

Korea Economic Daily

Chanel's advertisements at Seoul Incheon Airport are expected to reflect the brand's luxurious image and modern style. These advertisements are likely to provide travelers with a unique shopping experience through airport media, emphasizing Chanel's products and brand messages.

Korea Economic Daily

Through this initiative, Chanel is expected to increase its brand awareness in the Korean market and leave a strong impression on consumers by building a luxurious image. This advertising campaign at Seoul Incheon Airport aims to convey the unique charm of the Chanel brand to Korean consumers and provide a luxurious shopping experience.

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