Welcome to the World Out of Home Organization Awards
Nominations can be made by WOO members or OOH Associations. Members can self-nominate, nominate an individual, campaign or technical/sustainability innovation relevant to the particular award categories, but are restricted to one nomination per award category.
In 2015, at the Budapest Congress, the first-ever Awards were launched with 4 categories - Lifetime Achievement, Leadership, Technical Innovation and Creatives Classic.
The category of Creatives Digital was added in 2017 and then, in 2018 the Rising Star category was introduced.
WOO Chief Marketing Officer Richard Saturley says: "These Awards have become the benchmark for excellence in Out of Home and following two years in abeyance because of the pandemic, it’s an honour to coordinate the task of choosing our latest winners.
New in 2023 was the 'Sustainability Award'. Focusing on the efforts taken to combat climate change from within the OOH industry.
2023 Award Winners
- The Lifetime Achievement Award: Nick Parker, Kinetic Global Chief Operating Officer
- The Leadership Award: Andreas Soupliotis, Founder, President and CEO of Hivestack
- The Rising Star Award: Alex Tutu Muiruri, Regional Managing Director sub-Saharan Africa, Dentsu.
- The Technical Innovation Award: DOOH.COM, EssenceMediaCom Scotland, Above & Beyond, Kinetic. The first ever interactive, shoppable 3D billboard
- Creatives Award - Classic: HSBC Safe Space Activation, Wunderman Thompson/PHD Media/Talon/blowUP media
- Creatives Award - Digital: McDonald's Japan, 'Take a Chance with McDonald's', Dentsu/LIVE BOARD
- Inaugural Sustainability Award: blowUP media Germany - Vertical Gardens

Who can make a nomination for the Awards
Nominations can be made by WOO members or OOH Associations. Members can self-nominate, nominate an individual, campaign or technical/sustainability innovation relevant to the particular award categories, but are restricted to one nomination per award category.
You need to be a member to participate in our awards. Please contact Mark Flys by email: mark@worldooh.org about joining World Out of Home Organization.
How to nominate
Nominations for the 2024 awards are now open with a closing date of March 31st. You can nominate 1 person for each award category via the on-line nomination forms.
An Independent Awards Committee will select the Awards recipients from the list of nominations.
You need to be a member to nominate or be nominated for one of our awards . If you are not a member please contact Mark Flys by email: mark@worldooh.org about joining World Out of Home Organization.
Awards Committee
The WOO Awards Committee includes the Tom Goddard current President, the past Presidents (still active in OOH), two Board members, the recipient of last year’s Lifetime Achievement Award, plus a recognised Creative Director for the Creative Award. Further Announcements on Judges will be made in the coming weeks.