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세계옥외광고협회 한국 공식 사이트ㅣ글로벌 옥외광고 뉴스레터 옥뉴스

KOOHA Joins Global 'Essays for Peace' Campaign on International Peace Day

- 3분 걸림
PODO Media

On Saturday, September 21, 2024, Out Of Home (OOH) advertising industry worldwide united for a special peace campaign commemorating International Peace Day.

Essays for Peace
This September 21st - UN International Peace Day, we invite everyone to be part of Essays for Peace. This global action will begin in several cities in New Zealand and will conclude in Honolulu, Hawaii, 36 hours later. On the night of September 20th, when the clock strikes midnight and it is alread…

KOOHA (Korea Out Oof Home Association) and Korean OOH companies PODO Media, DIT, and Connectors participated in the global 'Essays for Peace' initiative led by the United Nations.

The campaign focused on spreading a message of peace and unity across the globe. Participating companies displayed a single image on all their digital screens for five minutes at local noon. This image was a simple, burning candle - a universal symbol of peace - without any text, logos, or political connotations.

A unique aspect of this creative campaign was the 'Wave of Peace' that followed time zones around the world. As each time zone reached noon, screens in that region lit up with the candle image, creating a powerful moment of global solidarity including South Korea.

PODO Media

Leveraging the characteristics of digital OOH advertising, this large-scale campaign in public spaces successfully captured the attention of citizens worldwide. The sudden appearance of a serene candle image on screens usually displaying commercial advertisements left a deep impression on many, providing a moment of reflection on the importance of peace amidst busy daily lives.

Woo Chang-hoon, President of KOOHA, stated, "As a member of the World Outdoor Advertising Association (WOO), we are proud to participate in the 'Essay for Peace' campaign. It was meaningful to see the global outdoor advertising industry come together to deliver a message of peace. We will continue to look for ways to leverage the influence of the Korean outdoor advertising industry for positive social change."

The 'Essays for Peace' campaign reaffirmed the social role and potential of the Korean OOH advertising industry. It also served as an excellent example of the significant impact that can be achieved when global OOH companies collaborate towards a common goal.

PODO Media

This initiative not only showcased the power of OOH media in reaching a wide audience but also demonstrated the industry's commitment to social responsibility. By replacing commercial content with a unified symbol of peace, participating companies highlighted their dedication to promoting global harmony and understanding.

As the world continues to face various challenges, this collaborative effort by the OOH industry serves as a reminder of the positive impact businesses can have when they come together for a greater cause. The success of the 'Essays for Peace' campaign illustrates that sometimes, the most powerful messages are conveyed without words, transcending language barriers and speaking directly to the heart of people across the globe.