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세계옥외광고협회 한국 공식 사이트ㅣ글로벌 옥외광고 뉴스레터 옥뉴스

Seoul’s Myeongdong to Get 30 Smart Media Poles – South Korea's OOH Industry Joins Forces for New OOH Media Project

- 2분 걸림

In a groundbreaking move for South Korea's OOH(Out of Home) advertising industry, over 30 small and medium-sized Out of Home (OOH) businesses are joining together to launch a new advertising project in Seoul's bustling Myeongdong district in Sout Korea.

Led by the Korea OOH Association, the initiative will bring 30 Smart Media Poles (SMPs) to key parts of Myeongdong by the end of this year.

The Future of Seoul, Transforming through Out of Home Advertising
The concept of OOH Advertising Free Display Zone allows for the relaxation of regulations concerning the size, shape, and installation methods of out of home advertisements.

This is the first time in Korea that many small OOH companies have combined their resources to jointly invest in and operate OOH advertising media. The collaboration comes in response to concerns that the government's OOH free zone policy could hurt smaller advertising firms.

Smart Media Poles Simulation

The SMPs will have double-sided LED screens, each measuring 1.6m by 2.3m, creating a total of 60 advertising surfaces. These will be placed along a 530m stretch of Myeongdong Street, one of Seoul’s busiest shopping areas. The installation will happen in two phases: the first along a 200m stretch from Namdaemun-ro to Myeongdong Theater, and the second along a 330m section to Myeongdong Station.

Besides advertising, the project is expected to improve the appearance of Myeongdong, contributing to urban renewal efforts. The timing is perfect, as the area is seeing economic recovery, with daily foot traffic returning to around 83,000 people in the last quarter of last year.

Korean OOH Experts are optimistic about the project’s impact. The SMPs are positioned at eye level, promising high visibility and engagement, which could make them more effective than larger displays.

The Korea OOH Association plans to finish installing the SMPs by November, with a trial run in December, and full operation starting in January. If successful, this model could set a new standard for collaboration in Korea’s outdoor advertising sector, offering more opportunities for smaller businesses.

이미지를 클릭하시면 상세 내용 보실 수 있습니다. 

'스팸' 또는 '정크' 메일함에 있는 옥뉴스를 구하고, 항상 안전하게 뉴스레터 구독하는 방법, 클릭

옥뉴스를 주위 분들에게 권유 하기 링크: https://oohnews.co.kr/ognyuseu-gudoghagi/

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