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세계옥외광고협회 한국 공식 사이트ㅣ글로벌 옥외광고 뉴스레터 옥뉴스

AdAsia Seoul 2023: Exploring Out of Home Advertising with Tom Goddard, President of WOO

AdAsia Seoul 2023 announced Tom Goddard as Keynote Speaker in OOH Sector and Yuna Kim as Ambassador

- 2분 걸림

The upcoming AdAsia Seoul is set to be an exciting one, as it explores the Out of Home Advertising sector and delves into its latest trends and developments.

Key industry leaders, including Tom Goddard (President of World Out of Home Organization) and Andreas Soupliotis (CEO of Hivestack), will be sharing his insights and expertise in World OOH Advertising Industry.

Tom Goddard,President of World Out of Home Organization delivered keynote address at Busan International Marketing & Advertising Festival 2023

Goddard's keynote speech will deliver the current global OOH trend and changes within the World OOH Advertising Market, providing valuable information for those attending the event.

Yuna Kim, Ambassador of AdAsia 2023 Seoul

In addition to the informative presentations, AdAsia Seoul 2023 has announced Yuna Kim, the former national figure skating representative, as one of their ambassadors for the event. Kim, known for her successful sporting career and her role as a UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador, has a long history of being an influential figure in the advertising and marketing industry in South Korea.

This year's AdAsia Seoul will be held from October 24th to 27th at COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul, and will be the third time the appointment ceremony is being held in South Korea.

Alongside Yuna Kim, short-form video creator Ox_zung and actress Taehee Kim will also serve as ambassadors for AdAsia 2023 Seoul, promoting new ideas and trends within the industry.

AdAsia 2023 Seoul

AdAsia Seoul 2023 is shaping up to be an event not to be missed, with a focus on out-of-home advertising and the involvement of influential ambassadors, it promises to be an engaging and informative experience for all attendees.

AdAsia 2023 Seoul

잠깐 아래 글 보고 가세요^^

WOO News
당신이 놓친 글
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당신이 놓친 글
톰 고다드 WOO 회장, 걸프 지역 국가들의 옥외광고 시장 성장 가능성 높이 평가
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GCC OOH 산업 서밋, 두바이에서 WOO 톰고다드 회장의 개회사로 첫 개최… 중동 옥외광고 산업의 미래를 논하다.
세계옥외광고협회 톰 고다드 회장, 2025년 광고 예산의 10% 점유 목표 달성을 위해 전 세계 옥외광고 업계의 혁신 필요
세계옥외광고협회 톰 고다드 회장, 2025년 광고 예산의 10% 점유 목표 달성을 위해 전 세계 옥외광고 업계의 혁신 필요
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OOH 도쿄 컨퍼런스 20일 개최, 세계 3위 日 옥외광고 시장 글로벌 진출 계기